Accelerating the development of TB vaccines through collaboration and coordination.
The Global Tuberculosis Vaccine Partnership (GTBVP) is a forum for key stakeholders in TB vaccine R&D to identify and address barriers impeding TB vaccine R&D and to discuss R&D priorities in order to help inform funding decisions.
Tuberculosis & TB vaccine R&D.
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health threat, killing over 30 million people since 1993. Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) are on the rise. The need for a universally effective TB vaccine has never been greater and will be essential for meeting the World Health Organization’s goal to reduce TB cases by 90% by 2035. The development of new vaccines to prevent TB is feasible and achievable in the next decade.
The TB Vaccine Development Pathway proposes an assessment process to track progress and make decisions on the advancement of a tuberculosis vaccine candidate to its next stage of development.
TB Vaccine Development Pathway.
TB Vaccine Pipeline.
The TB Vaccine Pipeline showcases TB vaccine candidates across all stages of the clinical development pathway according to vaccine-type and population targeted.